The Enemy of Righteousness:
The Carnal Nature ... Part Two
What is Righteousness?
It is our right standing in God given in the New Birth.
What is the Carnal Nature?
It is the sinful nature inherited at conception because of Adam’s sin in the garden. The carnal nature desires to be its own god and is highly influenced by satan.
Our Redemption
What the last Adam, Jesus Christ, accomplished in His death, burial, and resurrection is far, far greater than the curse that came upon man. “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.” (Galatians 3:13-14)
Let’s go deeper in our contrast between our Righteousness and the Carnal Nature. Why? Because carnality must be dominated by your spirit man. "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."
Paul’s first letter to The Church in Corinth gives us insight into the problems and struggles of born again Christians living in a pagan society. It is similar to the push toward lawlessness we are dealing with in our nation and is spreading into The Church today. When was the last time you heard a Pastor say that fornication is sin?
Says The Cross is foolishness, and opposes it
Seeks earthly, sensual, worldly wisdom originating from demons
Is envious, self seeking, and covetous
Is boastful, spiteful, and lies against the truth
Is confused, lives amongst wars, fights, and lust
Desires friendship with the world
Will not submit to God
Makes all its own decisions
Speaks evil of and judges other Christians
Knows to do good but will not
Is prideful, full of hypocrisy, and self righteous
Always seeking but never attaining peace
Cannot receive the things of God
Has an unrenewed mind
Is not subject to the law of God
Is not submissive to governing authorities
Things of God are foolish to him
Lives for himself
If death comes without Christ they will spend eternity in hell
Knows the cross IS the power of God
Has a personal relationship with God and His Son
Seeks the wisdom of God through His Word
Willing to yield, willing to submit to God
Is dependent upon God for everything, every day
Has a renewed mind according to scripture
Is pure, peaceable, and gentle
Is merciful and without hypocrisy
Does not speaks evil of a brother
Submits and prays for government leaders
Is full of the Holy Spirit, the one who reveals wisdom and truth
Knows the things freely given by God
Has the ability to discern things spiritually
Has not received nor follows after the spirit of the world
Has faith in the power of God
Understands the wisdom of God
Has the mind of Christ
Is spiritually minded, full of life and peace
Is mature
Is humble
Walks in the fruit of the Spirit
Is a hearer of the Word
Is a doer of the Word
Is skilled in the “word of righteousness”
His senses discern both good and evil
Is not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine
Through patience inherits the promises of God
Knows the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Knows who he is in Christ
Has eternal life
Is looking for the return of Jesus
This is that…
"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Scripture references:
1 Corinthians Chapters 1 and 2
James Chapter 1, and 3 & 4
Galatians Chapter 3 & 5
Romans Chapter 8
Hebrews Chapter 5 & 6
1 Thessalonians Chapters 4 & 5
It is our right standing in God given in the New Birth.
What is the Carnal Nature?
It is the sinful nature inherited at conception because of Adam’s sin in the garden. The carnal nature desires to be its own god and is highly influenced by satan.
Our Redemption
What the last Adam, Jesus Christ, accomplished in His death, burial, and resurrection is far, far greater than the curse that came upon man. “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.” (Galatians 3:13-14)
Let’s go deeper in our contrast between our Righteousness and the Carnal Nature. Why? Because carnality must be dominated by your spirit man. "Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh."
Paul’s first letter to The Church in Corinth gives us insight into the problems and struggles of born again Christians living in a pagan society. It is similar to the push toward lawlessness we are dealing with in our nation and is spreading into The Church today. When was the last time you heard a Pastor say that fornication is sin?
Says The Cross is foolishness, and opposes it
Seeks earthly, sensual, worldly wisdom originating from demons
Is envious, self seeking, and covetous
Is boastful, spiteful, and lies against the truth
Is confused, lives amongst wars, fights, and lust
Desires friendship with the world
Will not submit to God
Makes all its own decisions
Speaks evil of and judges other Christians
Knows to do good but will not
Is prideful, full of hypocrisy, and self righteous
Always seeking but never attaining peace
Cannot receive the things of God
Has an unrenewed mind
Is not subject to the law of God
Is not submissive to governing authorities
Things of God are foolish to him
Lives for himself
If death comes without Christ they will spend eternity in hell
Knows the cross IS the power of God
Has a personal relationship with God and His Son
Seeks the wisdom of God through His Word
Willing to yield, willing to submit to God
Is dependent upon God for everything, every day
Has a renewed mind according to scripture
Is pure, peaceable, and gentle
Is merciful and without hypocrisy
Does not speaks evil of a brother
Submits and prays for government leaders
Is full of the Holy Spirit, the one who reveals wisdom and truth
Knows the things freely given by God
Has the ability to discern things spiritually
Has not received nor follows after the spirit of the world
Has faith in the power of God
Understands the wisdom of God
Has the mind of Christ
Is spiritually minded, full of life and peace
Is mature
Is humble
Walks in the fruit of the Spirit
Is a hearer of the Word
Is a doer of the Word
Is skilled in the “word of righteousness”
His senses discern both good and evil
Is not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine
Through patience inherits the promises of God
Knows the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Knows who he is in Christ
Has eternal life
Is looking for the return of Jesus
This is that…
"Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Scripture references:
1 Corinthians Chapters 1 and 2
James Chapter 1, and 3 & 4
Galatians Chapter 3 & 5
Romans Chapter 8
Hebrews Chapter 5 & 6
1 Thessalonians Chapters 4 & 5
Cory, Contributing editor
Originally published as "This is that - 4.24.19
Originally published as "This is that - 4.24.19